isp, an isp is a company that allows us to access the internet. my family uses 2degrees
browser, a browser is an application we use to access different web pages. some examples are google and firefox
fibre optic cables, fibre uses specially made glass wires that carry light and because you can change the angle of the light being transmitted, you can send multiple things literally at the speed of light
modem, a modem connects us to the internet through an ethernet cable or a wifi connection
webserver, a webserver finds the url for a peticular webpage so you can navigate the world wide web
wifi, wifi is the wireless connection from the modem to the device you are using
hyperlink, a hyperlink is a thing we can click on to go to a webpage
webhosting, our tawa college website is hosted in tauranga webhosting
webhost, a webhost is like a landlord,they provide space for people that pay for it
user, a user is someone who accesses the internet for a reason
device, a device is something that can connect to wifi
webpage, a webpage is something you can access on the world wide web
network, a network is a thing that devices connect to, it manages all the queries and all the webpages that are being accessed
at Tawa College our network is made of the following
novell network
2 main servers
ethernet or wifi to access
a network allows for multiple accounts
what can i do on the network
use my gmail
save things to my h drive
access e2learn
access the internet
use kamar
what is the internet
an application to access different webpages some examples are google and firefox